Treeline ecotones under global change: linking spatial patterns to ecological processes
Treeline ecotones under global change: linking spatial patterns to ecological processes
Editor(s): Matteo Garbarino (University of Turin, Italy) and Frank Hagedorn (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Switzerland)

This special issue investigates the complex interactions between abiotic and biotic factors that shape vegetation patterns in treeline ecotones. The special issue focuses on observational (field and remote sensing) and modelling studies conducted along the extreme climatic and ecological gradients at the latitudinal and elevational treelines of the globe. These are considered sentinels of global-change effects on terrestrial ecosystems, but responses to change are varied and only partially understood. We welcome submissions that address ecological, biogeochemical, or physical processes that influence treeline dynamics and patterns at multiple spatial and temporal scales. As this topic is highly interdisciplinary in scope, we encourage submissions from diverse disciplines including ecology (e.g. plant, forest, landscape), remote sensing, geography, geochemistry, microbiology, soil sciences, geomorphology, and climatology. Integrative studies that bridge gaps between disciplines are particularly welcome. Two types of manuscript submissions are possible: (1) original and/or new scientific full-length research articles presenting new data and interpretations or (2) review and synthesis papers that are invited by the editors (upon proposals from authors) and integrate data from different studies and disciplines to address state-of-the-science questions related to either the detection and description of treeline spatial and temporal patterns or the processes that may be relevant to these patterns.

Review process: all papers of this special issue underwent the regular interactive peer-review process of Biogeosciences handled by guest editors designated by the BG co-editors-in-chief.

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10 Sep 2024
Distinct changes in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling in the litter layer across two contrasting forest-tundra ecotones
Frank Hagedorn, Joesphine Imboden, Pavel Moiseev, Decai Gao, Emmanuel Frossard, Daniel Christen, Konstantin Gavazov, and Jasmin Fetzer
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
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