Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
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Effects of land use intensity on the full greenhouse gas balance in an Atlantic peat bog
S. Beetz
Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, University of Rostock, Germany
H. Liebersbach
State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hanover, Germany
S. Glatzel
Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, University of Rostock, Germany
G. Jurasinski
Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, University of Rostock, Germany
U. Buczko
Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, University of Rostock, Germany
H. Höper
State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hanover, Germany
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94 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Non-steady-state closed dynamic chamber to measure soil CO2 respiration: A protocol to reduce uncertainty I. Baneschi et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1048948
- Effects of China’s land-intensive use on carbon emission reduction: A new perspective of industrial structure upgrading H. Wu et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1073565
- Influence of Soil Organic Carbon on Greenhouse Gas Emission Potential After Application of Biogas Residues or Cattle Slurry: Results from a Pot Experiment G. HEINTZE et al. 10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60388-6
- The greenhouse gas balance of a drained fen peatland is mainly controlled by land-use rather than soil organic carbon content T. Eickenscheidt et al. 10.5194/bg-12-5161-2015
- Carbon fluxes of an alpine peatland in Northern Italy J. Pullens et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.01.012
- Greenhouse gas exchange of rewetted bog peat extraction sites and a Sphagnum cultivation site in northwest Germany C. Beyer & H. Höper 10.5194/bg-12-2101-2015
- Automated modeling of ecosystem CO 2 fluxes based on periodic closed chamber measurements: A standardized conceptual and practical approach M. Hoffmann et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.09.005
- Are greenhouse gas fluxes lower from ley or perennial fallow than from arable organic soils? A systematic review protocol A. Holzknecht et al. 10.1186/s13750-023-00310-5
- Dynamic C and N stocks – key factors controlling the C gas exchange of maize in heterogenous peatland M. Pohl et al. 10.5194/bg-12-2737-2015
- Intermittent Surface Renewals and Methane Hotspots in Natural Peatlands E. Zorzetto et al. 10.1007/s10546-021-00637-x
- Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from reed canary grass in paludiculture: effect of groundwater level S. Karki et al. 10.1007/s11104-014-2164-z
- Greenhouse Gas Emission and Balance of Marshes at the Southern North Sea Coast S. Witte & L. Giani 10.1007/s13157-015-0722-7
- Annual balances and extended seasonal modelling of carbon fluxes from a temperate fen cropped to festulolium and tall fescue under two‐cut and three‐cut harvesting regimes T. Kandel et al. 10.1111/gcbb.12424
- Nitrous oxide emissions of undrained, forestry-drained, and rewetted boreal peatlands K. Minkkinen et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118494
- High soil solution carbon and nitrogen concentrations in a drained Atlantic bog are reduced to natural levels by 10 years of rewetting S. Frank et al. 10.5194/bg-11-2309-2014
- Increased CO2 fluxes from a sandy Cambisol under agricultural use in the Wendland region, Northern Germany, three years after biochar substrates application S. Polifka et al. 10.1111/gcbb.12517
- Moderate grazing has little effect on global warming potential in the temperate steppes of northern China L. Hou et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.07.055
- Review of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rewetted Agricultural Soils A. Bianchi et al. 10.1007/s13157-021-01507-5
- Towards an improved understanding of greenhouse gas emissions and fluxes in tropical peatlands of Southeast Asia P. Kumar et al. 10.1016/j.scs.2019.101881
- Full-cycle greenhouse gas balance of a Sphagnum paludiculture site on former bog grassland in Germany C. Daun et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162943
- A new chamber design for measuring nitrous oxide emissions in maize crops H. Olfs et al. 10.1002/jpln.201700008
- PEAT‐CLSM: A Specific Treatment of Peatland Hydrology in the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model M. Bechtold et al. 10.1029/2018MS001574
- Effect of grassland ploughing and reseeding on CO2 emissions and soil carbon stocks T. Reinsch et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2018.06.020
- Towards pairing plot and field scale measurements in managed ecosystems: Using eddy covariance to cross-validate CO2 fluxes modeled from manual chamber campaigns A. Lucas-Moffat et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.01.023
- Site-dependent carbon and greenhouse gas balances of five fen and bog soils after rewetting and establishment of Phalaris arundinacea paludiculture C. Nielsen et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177677
- A soil carbon proxy to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from rewetted agricultural peatlands R. Ye et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2016.01.008
- The full carbon balance of a rewetted cropland fen and a conservation-managed fen M. Peacock et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2018.09.020
- Effects of biochar amendment on soil carbon dioxide emission and carbon budget in the karst region of southwest China Y. Tang et al. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114895
- Interannual and seasonal variability in carbon dioxide and methane fluxes of a pine peat bog in the Eastern Alps, Austria S. Drollinger et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.05.015
- Effects of water management and grassland renewal on the greenhouse gas emissions from intensively used grassland on bog peat B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109858
- Effect of Subirrigation and Silicon Antitranspirant Application on Biomass Yield and Carbon Dioxide Balance of a Three-Cut Meadow J. Kocięcka et al. 10.3390/w15173057
- CO2 fluxes and ecosystem dynamics at five European treeless peatlands – merging data and process oriented modeling C. Metzger et al. 10.5194/bg-12-125-2015
- Growing season methane emissions from a permafrost peatland of northeast China: Observations using open-path eddy covariance method X. Yu et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.01.026
- High CO2 fluxes from grassland on histic Gleysol along soil carbon and drainage gradients K. Leiber-Sauheitl et al. 10.5194/bg-11-749-2014
- Ecosystem scale methane fluxes in a natural temperate bog-pine forest in southern Germany J. Hommeltenberg et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.08.017
- Annual CO2 Budget Estimation From Chamber-Based Flux Measurements on Intensively Drained Peat Meadows: Effect of Gap-Filling Strategies W. Liu et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.803746
- Multiyear greenhouse gas balances at a rewetted temperate peatland D. Wilson et al. 10.1111/gcb.13325
- Multiyear greenhouse gas flux measurements on a temperate fen soil used for cropland or grassland C. Beyer et al. 10.1002/jpln.201300396
- A model of gross primary productivity based on satellite data suggests formerly afforested peatlands undergoing restoration regain full photosynthesis capacity after five to ten years K. Lees et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.040
- Effects of farmyard manure application and grassland renovation on net ecosystem carbon balance in a temperate grassland: analysis of 11-year eddy covariance data S. MATSUURA et al. 10.2480/agrmet.D-22-00007
- Methane Exchange in a Coastal Fen in the First Year after Flooding - A Systems Shift J. Hahn et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0140657
- Comparing chamber and eddy covariance based net ecosystem CO2 exchange of fen soils A. Poyda et al. 10.1002/jpln.201600447
- A literature overview of micrometeorological CH4 and N2O flux measurements in terrestrial ecosystems G. Nicolini et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.09.030
- Ecosystem services mapping for detection of bundles, synergies and trade-offs: Examples from two Norwegian municipalities M. Fernandez-Campo et al. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.08.005
- High net CO2 and CH4 release at a eutrophic shallow lake on a formerly drained fen D. Franz et al. 10.5194/bg-13-3051-2016
- Effects of Meteorological Factors and Water-Nitrogen Management Techniques on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Wheat Fields in a Dry Semi-Humid Area X. Ma et al. 10.3390/agronomy13071925
- Impact of the Marketization of Industrial Land Transfer on Regional Carbon Emission Intensity: Evidence from China S. Peng et al. 10.3390/land12050984
- Divergent NEE balances from manual‐chamber CO2 fluxes linked to different measurement and gap‐filling strategies: A source for uncertainty of estimated terrestrial C sources and sinks? V. Huth et al. 10.1002/jpln.201600493
- Comprehensive assessment of nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation potentials across European peatlands F. Lin et al. 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119041
- Changes in microbial community composition, activity, and greenhouse gas production upon inundation of drained iron-rich peat soils A. de Jong et al. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107862
- Conventional subsoil irrigation techniques do not lower carbon emissions from drained peat meadows S. Weideveld et al. 10.5194/bg-18-3881-2021
- A new methodology for organic soils in national greenhouse gas inventories: Data synthesis, derivation and application B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105838
- High greenhouse gas emissions after grassland renewal on bog peat soil L. Offermanns et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109309
- Diurnal dynamics of CH4, CO2and N2O fluxes in the saline-alkaline soils of the Yellow River Delta, China L. Zhang et al. 10.1080/11263504.2013.870937
- A comprehensive review of greenhouse gas based on subject categories R. Chen & Y. Kong 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161314
- Aquatic DOC export from subarctic Atlantic blanket bog in Norway is controlled by seasalt deposition, temperature and precipitation H. de Wit et al. 10.1007/s10533-016-0182-z
- Drainage effects on carbon budgets of degraded peatlands in the north of the Netherlands T. Nijman et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172882
- Spatial Variability of Annual Estimates of Methane Emissions in a Phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Dominated Restored Coastal Brackish Fen S. Koch et al. 10.1007/s13157-014-0528-z
- Effects of Biochar Application on Soil Hydrothermal Environment, Carbon Emissions, and Crop Yield in Wheat Fields under Ridge–Furrow Rainwater Harvesting Planting Mode X. Ma et al. 10.3390/agriculture12101704
- Grazing under Irrigation Affects N2O-Emissions Substantially in South Africa H. Smit et al. 10.3390/atmos11090925
- Mitigating greenhouse gas fluxes from cultivated organic soils with raised water table K. Regina et al. 10.1007/s11027-014-9559-2
- Evaluating alternative growing media to peat for ornamental horticulture O. Haines et al. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1377.63
- Land Use and Climate Variability Amplify Carbon, Nutrient, and Contaminant Pulses: A Review with Management Implications S. Kaushal et al. 10.1111/jawr.12204
- High emissions of greenhouse gases from grasslands on peat and other organic soils B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1111/gcb.13303
- Spatial variability at different scales and sampling requirements for in situ soil CO2 efflux measurements on an arable soil U. Buczko et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2015.03.015
- Nitrous oxide emission budgets and land-use-driven hotspots for organic soils in Europe T. Leppelt et al. 10.5194/bg-11-6595-2014
- Effects of urban land intensive use on carbon emissions in China: spatial interaction and multi-mediating effect perspective M. Zhang et al. 10.1007/s11356-022-22693-7
- Short-term effects of biogas digestate and cattle slurry application on greenhouse gas emissions affected by N availability from grasslands on drained fen peatlands and associated organic soils T. Eickenscheidt et al. 10.5194/bg-11-6187-2014
- Soil respiration after tillage under different fertiliser treatments – implications for modelling and balancing S. Fiedler et al. 10.1016/j.still.2014.12.015
- Rewetting former agricultural peatlands: Topsoil removal as a prerequisite to avoid strong nutrient and greenhouse gas emissions S. Harpenslager et al. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.08.002
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- Influence of rewetting on N2O emissions in three different fen types J. Berendt et al. 10.1007/s10705-022-10244-y
- Variations in CO2 exchange for dairy farms with year-round rotational grazing on drained peatlands D. Campbell et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2014.12.019
- Impacts of different intensities of commercial Sphagnum moss extraction on CO2 fluxes in a northern Patagonia peatland P. Pacheco-Cancino et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2025.178566
- To graze or not to graze? Four years greenhouse gas balances and vegetation composition from a drained and a rewetted organic soil under grassland F. Renou-Wilson et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2016.02.011
- Emissions of methane from northern peatlands: a review of management impacts and implications for future management options M. Abdalla et al. 10.1002/ece3.2469
- The impacts of drainage, nutrient status and management practice on the full carbon balance of grasslands on organic soils in a maritime temperate zone F. Renou-Wilson et al. 10.5194/bg-11-4361-2014
- Columns and Detectors Recommended in Gas Chromatography to Measure Greenhouse Emission and O 2 Uptake in Soil: A Review R. Ferraz-Almeida et al. 10.1080/00103624.2020.1729370
- Potential for using remote sensing to estimate carbon fluxes across northern peatlands – A review K. Lees et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.103
- Near‐neutral carbon dioxide balance at a seminatural, temperate bog ecosystem M. Hurkuck et al. 10.1002/2015JG003195
- Full greenhouse gas balance of silage maize cultivation following grassland: Are no-tillage practices favourable under highly productive soil conditions? I. Struck et al. 10.1016/j.still.2020.104615
- Impact of Groundwater Table and Plateau Zokors (Myospalax baileyi) on Ecosystem Respiration in the Zoige Peatlands of China Y. Zhou et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0115542
- Investigation of the climatological impacts of agricultural management and abandonment on a boreal bog in western Newfoundland, Canada M. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134632
- Use of the Gas Emission Site Type Method in the Evaluation of the CO2 Emissions in Raised Bogs R. Cieśliński & K. Kubiak-Wójcicka 10.3390/w16071069
- Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From a Subantarctic Peatland Bog B. Riquelme del Río et al. 10.1021/acs.est.3c10746
- Surface interpolation of environmental factors as tool for evaluation of the occurrence of high methane and nitrous oxide fluxes A. Lengerer & M. Kazda 10.1002/jpln.201600407
- Developing an Automated Gas Sampling Chamber for Measuring Variations in CO2 Exchange in a Maize Ecosystem at Night C. Li et al. 10.3390/s20216117
- Comparison of GHG emissions from annual crops in rotation on drained temperate agricultural peatland with production of reed canary grass in paludiculture using an LCA approach H. Thers et al. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17320
- Greenhouse gas emissions from fen soils used for forage production in northern Germany A. Poyda et al. 10.5194/bg-13-5221-2016
- Rewetting degraded peatlands for climate and biodiversity benefits: Results from two raised bogs F. Renou-Wilson et al. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.02.014
- Biogeochemical indicators of peatland degradation – a case study of a temperate bog in northern Germany J. Krüger et al. 10.5194/bg-12-2861-2015
- Low methane emissions from a boreal wetland constructed on oil sand mine tailings M. Clark et al. 10.5194/bg-17-667-2020
- Impact of crop type on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a rewetted cultivated peatland K. Lång et al. 10.5194/soil-10-827-2024
- Scale-dependent temporal variation in determining the methane balance of a temperate fen A. Günther et al. 10.1080/20430779.2013.850395
94 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Non-steady-state closed dynamic chamber to measure soil CO2 respiration: A protocol to reduce uncertainty I. Baneschi et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1048948
- Effects of China’s land-intensive use on carbon emission reduction: A new perspective of industrial structure upgrading H. Wu et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1073565
- Influence of Soil Organic Carbon on Greenhouse Gas Emission Potential After Application of Biogas Residues or Cattle Slurry: Results from a Pot Experiment G. HEINTZE et al. 10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60388-6
- The greenhouse gas balance of a drained fen peatland is mainly controlled by land-use rather than soil organic carbon content T. Eickenscheidt et al. 10.5194/bg-12-5161-2015
- Carbon fluxes of an alpine peatland in Northern Italy J. Pullens et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.01.012
- Greenhouse gas exchange of rewetted bog peat extraction sites and a Sphagnum cultivation site in northwest Germany C. Beyer & H. Höper 10.5194/bg-12-2101-2015
- Automated modeling of ecosystem CO 2 fluxes based on periodic closed chamber measurements: A standardized conceptual and practical approach M. Hoffmann et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.09.005
- Are greenhouse gas fluxes lower from ley or perennial fallow than from arable organic soils? A systematic review protocol A. Holzknecht et al. 10.1186/s13750-023-00310-5
- Dynamic C and N stocks – key factors controlling the C gas exchange of maize in heterogenous peatland M. Pohl et al. 10.5194/bg-12-2737-2015
- Intermittent Surface Renewals and Methane Hotspots in Natural Peatlands E. Zorzetto et al. 10.1007/s10546-021-00637-x
- Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from reed canary grass in paludiculture: effect of groundwater level S. Karki et al. 10.1007/s11104-014-2164-z
- Greenhouse Gas Emission and Balance of Marshes at the Southern North Sea Coast S. Witte & L. Giani 10.1007/s13157-015-0722-7
- Annual balances and extended seasonal modelling of carbon fluxes from a temperate fen cropped to festulolium and tall fescue under two‐cut and three‐cut harvesting regimes T. Kandel et al. 10.1111/gcbb.12424
- Nitrous oxide emissions of undrained, forestry-drained, and rewetted boreal peatlands K. Minkkinen et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118494
- High soil solution carbon and nitrogen concentrations in a drained Atlantic bog are reduced to natural levels by 10 years of rewetting S. Frank et al. 10.5194/bg-11-2309-2014
- Increased CO2 fluxes from a sandy Cambisol under agricultural use in the Wendland region, Northern Germany, three years after biochar substrates application S. Polifka et al. 10.1111/gcbb.12517
- Moderate grazing has little effect on global warming potential in the temperate steppes of northern China L. Hou et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.07.055
- Review of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rewetted Agricultural Soils A. Bianchi et al. 10.1007/s13157-021-01507-5
- Towards an improved understanding of greenhouse gas emissions and fluxes in tropical peatlands of Southeast Asia P. Kumar et al. 10.1016/j.scs.2019.101881
- Full-cycle greenhouse gas balance of a Sphagnum paludiculture site on former bog grassland in Germany C. Daun et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162943
- A new chamber design for measuring nitrous oxide emissions in maize crops H. Olfs et al. 10.1002/jpln.201700008
- PEAT‐CLSM: A Specific Treatment of Peatland Hydrology in the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model M. Bechtold et al. 10.1029/2018MS001574
- Effect of grassland ploughing and reseeding on CO2 emissions and soil carbon stocks T. Reinsch et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2018.06.020
- Towards pairing plot and field scale measurements in managed ecosystems: Using eddy covariance to cross-validate CO2 fluxes modeled from manual chamber campaigns A. Lucas-Moffat et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.01.023
- Site-dependent carbon and greenhouse gas balances of five fen and bog soils after rewetting and establishment of Phalaris arundinacea paludiculture C. Nielsen et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177677
- A soil carbon proxy to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from rewetted agricultural peatlands R. Ye et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2016.01.008
- The full carbon balance of a rewetted cropland fen and a conservation-managed fen M. Peacock et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2018.09.020
- Effects of biochar amendment on soil carbon dioxide emission and carbon budget in the karst region of southwest China Y. Tang et al. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114895
- Interannual and seasonal variability in carbon dioxide and methane fluxes of a pine peat bog in the Eastern Alps, Austria S. Drollinger et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.05.015
- Effects of water management and grassland renewal on the greenhouse gas emissions from intensively used grassland on bog peat B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109858
- Effect of Subirrigation and Silicon Antitranspirant Application on Biomass Yield and Carbon Dioxide Balance of a Three-Cut Meadow J. Kocięcka et al. 10.3390/w15173057
- CO2 fluxes and ecosystem dynamics at five European treeless peatlands – merging data and process oriented modeling C. Metzger et al. 10.5194/bg-12-125-2015
- Growing season methane emissions from a permafrost peatland of northeast China: Observations using open-path eddy covariance method X. Yu et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.01.026
- High CO2 fluxes from grassland on histic Gleysol along soil carbon and drainage gradients K. Leiber-Sauheitl et al. 10.5194/bg-11-749-2014
- Ecosystem scale methane fluxes in a natural temperate bog-pine forest in southern Germany J. Hommeltenberg et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.08.017
- Annual CO2 Budget Estimation From Chamber-Based Flux Measurements on Intensively Drained Peat Meadows: Effect of Gap-Filling Strategies W. Liu et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.803746
- Multiyear greenhouse gas balances at a rewetted temperate peatland D. Wilson et al. 10.1111/gcb.13325
- Multiyear greenhouse gas flux measurements on a temperate fen soil used for cropland or grassland C. Beyer et al. 10.1002/jpln.201300396
- A model of gross primary productivity based on satellite data suggests formerly afforested peatlands undergoing restoration regain full photosynthesis capacity after five to ten years K. Lees et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.040
- Effects of farmyard manure application and grassland renovation on net ecosystem carbon balance in a temperate grassland: analysis of 11-year eddy covariance data S. MATSUURA et al. 10.2480/agrmet.D-22-00007
- Methane Exchange in a Coastal Fen in the First Year after Flooding - A Systems Shift J. Hahn et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0140657
- Comparing chamber and eddy covariance based net ecosystem CO2 exchange of fen soils A. Poyda et al. 10.1002/jpln.201600447
- A literature overview of micrometeorological CH4 and N2O flux measurements in terrestrial ecosystems G. Nicolini et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.09.030
- Ecosystem services mapping for detection of bundles, synergies and trade-offs: Examples from two Norwegian municipalities M. Fernandez-Campo et al. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.08.005
- High net CO2 and CH4 release at a eutrophic shallow lake on a formerly drained fen D. Franz et al. 10.5194/bg-13-3051-2016
- Effects of Meteorological Factors and Water-Nitrogen Management Techniques on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Wheat Fields in a Dry Semi-Humid Area X. Ma et al. 10.3390/agronomy13071925
- Impact of the Marketization of Industrial Land Transfer on Regional Carbon Emission Intensity: Evidence from China S. Peng et al. 10.3390/land12050984
- Divergent NEE balances from manual‐chamber CO2 fluxes linked to different measurement and gap‐filling strategies: A source for uncertainty of estimated terrestrial C sources and sinks? V. Huth et al. 10.1002/jpln.201600493
- Comprehensive assessment of nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation potentials across European peatlands F. Lin et al. 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119041
- Changes in microbial community composition, activity, and greenhouse gas production upon inundation of drained iron-rich peat soils A. de Jong et al. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107862
- Conventional subsoil irrigation techniques do not lower carbon emissions from drained peat meadows S. Weideveld et al. 10.5194/bg-18-3881-2021
- A new methodology for organic soils in national greenhouse gas inventories: Data synthesis, derivation and application B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105838
- High greenhouse gas emissions after grassland renewal on bog peat soil L. Offermanns et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109309
- Diurnal dynamics of CH4, CO2and N2O fluxes in the saline-alkaline soils of the Yellow River Delta, China L. Zhang et al. 10.1080/11263504.2013.870937
- A comprehensive review of greenhouse gas based on subject categories R. Chen & Y. Kong 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161314
- Aquatic DOC export from subarctic Atlantic blanket bog in Norway is controlled by seasalt deposition, temperature and precipitation H. de Wit et al. 10.1007/s10533-016-0182-z
- Drainage effects on carbon budgets of degraded peatlands in the north of the Netherlands T. Nijman et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172882
- Spatial Variability of Annual Estimates of Methane Emissions in a Phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Dominated Restored Coastal Brackish Fen S. Koch et al. 10.1007/s13157-014-0528-z
- Effects of Biochar Application on Soil Hydrothermal Environment, Carbon Emissions, and Crop Yield in Wheat Fields under Ridge–Furrow Rainwater Harvesting Planting Mode X. Ma et al. 10.3390/agriculture12101704
- Grazing under Irrigation Affects N2O-Emissions Substantially in South Africa H. Smit et al. 10.3390/atmos11090925
- Mitigating greenhouse gas fluxes from cultivated organic soils with raised water table K. Regina et al. 10.1007/s11027-014-9559-2
- Evaluating alternative growing media to peat for ornamental horticulture O. Haines et al. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1377.63
- Land Use and Climate Variability Amplify Carbon, Nutrient, and Contaminant Pulses: A Review with Management Implications S. Kaushal et al. 10.1111/jawr.12204
- High emissions of greenhouse gases from grasslands on peat and other organic soils B. Tiemeyer et al. 10.1111/gcb.13303
- Spatial variability at different scales and sampling requirements for in situ soil CO2 efflux measurements on an arable soil U. Buczko et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2015.03.015
- Nitrous oxide emission budgets and land-use-driven hotspots for organic soils in Europe T. Leppelt et al. 10.5194/bg-11-6595-2014
- Effects of urban land intensive use on carbon emissions in China: spatial interaction and multi-mediating effect perspective M. Zhang et al. 10.1007/s11356-022-22693-7
- Short-term effects of biogas digestate and cattle slurry application on greenhouse gas emissions affected by N availability from grasslands on drained fen peatlands and associated organic soils T. Eickenscheidt et al. 10.5194/bg-11-6187-2014
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