Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
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High-field NMR spectroscopy and FTICR mass spectrometry: powerful discovery tools for the molecular level characterization of marine dissolved organic matter
N. Hertkorn
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Analytical Biogeochemistry (BGC), Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
M. Harir
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Analytical Biogeochemistry (BGC), Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
B. P. Koch
Alfred Wegener Institute, AWI, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, (Building Co-5), Germany
B. Michalke
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Analytical Biogeochemistry (BGC), Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
P. Schmitt-Kopplin
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Analytical Biogeochemistry (BGC), Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
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271 citations as recorded by crossref.
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11 citations as recorded by crossref.
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