Articles | Volume 11, issue 20
© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
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© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Seasonal evolution of net and regenerated silica production around a natural Fe-fertilized area in the Southern Ocean estimated with Si isotopic approaches
I. Closset
Sorbonne Universités (UPMC, Univ Paris 06)-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, LOCEAN Laboratory, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
M. Lasbleiz
Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Université de Toulon, IRD, MIO UM110, 13288, Marseille, France
K. Leblanc
Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Université de Toulon, IRD, MIO UM110, 13288, Marseille, France
B. Quéguiner
Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Université de Toulon, IRD, MIO UM110, 13288, Marseille, France
A.-J. Cavagna
Earth and System Sciences & Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
M. Elskens
Earth and System Sciences & Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
J. Navez
Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium
D. Cardinal
Sorbonne Universités (UPMC, Univ Paris 06)-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, LOCEAN Laboratory, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium
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34 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Sourcing the iron in the naturally fertilised bloom around the Kerguelen Plateau: particulate trace metal dynamics P. van der Merwe et al. 10.5194/bg-12-739-2015
- New Insights Into Processes Controlling the δ30Si of Sinking Diatoms: A Seasonally Resolved Box Model Approach I. Closset et al. 10.1029/2018GB006115
- A tale of three islands: Downstream natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean J. Robinson et al. 10.1002/2015JC011319
- Production regime and associated N cycling in the vicinity of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean A. Cavagna et al. 10.5194/bg-12-6515-2015
- New Constraints on the Physical and Biological Controls on the Silicon Isotopic Composition of the Arctic Ocean M. Brzezinski et al. 10.3389/fmars.2021.699762
- Small phytoplankton contribute greatly to CO2-fixation after the diatom bloom in the Southern Ocean S. Irion et al. 10.1038/s41396-021-00915-z
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of the Island Mass Effect at the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands Archipelago T. Lamont & T. Toolsee 10.3390/rs14092140
- Nitrogen cycling in the Southern Ocean Kerguelen Plateau area: evidence for significant surface nitrification from nitrate isotopic compositions F. Dehairs et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1459-2015
- Export fluxes in a naturally iron-fertilized area of the Southern Ocean – Part 2: Importance of diatom resting spores and faecal pellets for export M. Rembauville et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3171-2015
- Unveiling the Si cycle using isotopes in an iron-fertilized zone of the Southern Ocean: from mixed-layer supply to export I. Closset et al. 10.5194/bg-13-6049-2016
- High variability in dissolved iron concentrations in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) F. Quéroué et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3869-2015
- Zinc and nickel isotopes in seawater from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean: The impact of natural iron fertilization versus Southern Ocean hydrography and biogeochemistry R. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.09.010
- Biogenic and lithogenic silicon along the GEOTRACES south West Indian Ocean section (SWINGS-GS02) and the islands mass effect on regional Si biogeochemical cycle V. Deteix et al. 10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104412
- Microzooplankton diversity and potential role in carbon cycling of contrasting Southern Ocean productivity regimes U. Christaki et al. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103531
- Composition of diatom communities and their contribution to plankton biomass in the naturally iron-fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean M. Lasbleiz et al. 10.1093/femsec/fiw171
- Effect of trace metal‐limited growth on the postmortem dissolution of the marine diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia delicatissima J. Boutorh et al. 10.1002/2015GB005088
- Carbon export in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area of the Southern Ocean based on the 234Th approach F. Planchon et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3831-2015
- Phytoplankton biomass and photophysiology at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands ecosystem in the Southern Ocean T. Lamont et al. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103669
- Flow Structures With High Lagrangian Coherence Rate Promote Diatom Blooms in Oligotrophic Waters I. Hernández‐Carrasco et al. 10.1029/2023GL103688
- Early spring mesopelagic carbon remineralization and transfer efficiency in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area S. Jacquet et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1713-2015
- Microbial iron uptake in the naturally fertilized waters in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands: phytoplankton–bacteria interactions M. Fourquez et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1893-2015
- Particulate matter stoichiometry driven by microplankton community structure in summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean M. Rembauville et al. 10.1002/lno.10291
- Microbial food web dynamics during spring phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) U. Christaki et al. 10.5194/bg-11-6739-2014
- Differentiating Lithogenic Supplies, Water Mass Transport, and Biological Processes On and Off the Kerguelen Plateau Using Rare Earth Element Concentrations and Neodymium Isotopic Compositions M. Grenier et al. 10.3389/fmars.2018.00426
- Protist Interactions and Community Structure During Early Autumn in the Kerguelen Region (Southern Ocean) I. Sassenhagen et al. 10.1016/j.protis.2019.125709
- Subsurface Chlorophyll-a Maxima in the Southern Ocean K. Baldry et al. 10.3389/fmars.2020.00671
- Impact of the natural Fe-fertilization on the magnitude, stoichiometry and efficiency of particulate biogenic silica, nitrogen and iron export fluxes N. Lemaitre et al. 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.09.002
- Iron availability influences nutrient drawdown in the Heard and McDonald Islands region, Southern Ocean T. Holmes et al. 10.1016/j.marchem.2019.03.002
- Phytoplanktonic response to simulated volcanic and desert dust deposition events in the South Indian and Southern Oceans C. Geisen et al. 10.1002/lno.12100
- Microzooplankton community associated with phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) U. Christaki et al. 10.1093/femsec/fiv068
- Assessment of C, N, and Si Isotopes as Tracers of Past Ocean Nutrient and Carbon Cycling J. Farmer et al. 10.1029/2020GB006775
- Taxon-specific responses of Southern Ocean diatoms to Fe enrichment revealed by synchrotron radiation FTIR microspectroscopy O. Sackett et al. 10.5194/bg-11-5795-2014
- Pigments, elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si), and stoichiometry of particulate matter in the naturally iron fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean M. Lasbleiz et al. 10.5194/bg-11-5931-2014
- Rapid formation of large aggregates during the spring bloom of Kerguelen Island: observations and model comparisons M. Jouandet et al. 10.5194/bg-11-4393-2014
31 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Sourcing the iron in the naturally fertilised bloom around the Kerguelen Plateau: particulate trace metal dynamics P. van der Merwe et al. 10.5194/bg-12-739-2015
- New Insights Into Processes Controlling the δ30Si of Sinking Diatoms: A Seasonally Resolved Box Model Approach I. Closset et al. 10.1029/2018GB006115
- A tale of three islands: Downstream natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean J. Robinson et al. 10.1002/2015JC011319
- Production regime and associated N cycling in the vicinity of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean A. Cavagna et al. 10.5194/bg-12-6515-2015
- New Constraints on the Physical and Biological Controls on the Silicon Isotopic Composition of the Arctic Ocean M. Brzezinski et al. 10.3389/fmars.2021.699762
- Small phytoplankton contribute greatly to CO2-fixation after the diatom bloom in the Southern Ocean S. Irion et al. 10.1038/s41396-021-00915-z
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of the Island Mass Effect at the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands Archipelago T. Lamont & T. Toolsee 10.3390/rs14092140
- Nitrogen cycling in the Southern Ocean Kerguelen Plateau area: evidence for significant surface nitrification from nitrate isotopic compositions F. Dehairs et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1459-2015
- Export fluxes in a naturally iron-fertilized area of the Southern Ocean – Part 2: Importance of diatom resting spores and faecal pellets for export M. Rembauville et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3171-2015
- Unveiling the Si cycle using isotopes in an iron-fertilized zone of the Southern Ocean: from mixed-layer supply to export I. Closset et al. 10.5194/bg-13-6049-2016
- High variability in dissolved iron concentrations in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) F. Quéroué et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3869-2015
- Zinc and nickel isotopes in seawater from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean: The impact of natural iron fertilization versus Southern Ocean hydrography and biogeochemistry R. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.09.010
- Biogenic and lithogenic silicon along the GEOTRACES south West Indian Ocean section (SWINGS-GS02) and the islands mass effect on regional Si biogeochemical cycle V. Deteix et al. 10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104412
- Microzooplankton diversity and potential role in carbon cycling of contrasting Southern Ocean productivity regimes U. Christaki et al. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103531
- Composition of diatom communities and their contribution to plankton biomass in the naturally iron-fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean M. Lasbleiz et al. 10.1093/femsec/fiw171
- Effect of trace metal‐limited growth on the postmortem dissolution of the marine diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia delicatissima J. Boutorh et al. 10.1002/2015GB005088
- Carbon export in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area of the Southern Ocean based on the 234Th approach F. Planchon et al. 10.5194/bg-12-3831-2015
- Phytoplankton biomass and photophysiology at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands ecosystem in the Southern Ocean T. Lamont et al. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103669
- Flow Structures With High Lagrangian Coherence Rate Promote Diatom Blooms in Oligotrophic Waters I. Hernández‐Carrasco et al. 10.1029/2023GL103688
- Early spring mesopelagic carbon remineralization and transfer efficiency in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area S. Jacquet et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1713-2015
- Microbial iron uptake in the naturally fertilized waters in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands: phytoplankton–bacteria interactions M. Fourquez et al. 10.5194/bg-12-1893-2015
- Particulate matter stoichiometry driven by microplankton community structure in summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean M. Rembauville et al. 10.1002/lno.10291
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- Iron availability influences nutrient drawdown in the Heard and McDonald Islands region, Southern Ocean T. Holmes et al. 10.1016/j.marchem.2019.03.002
- Phytoplanktonic response to simulated volcanic and desert dust deposition events in the South Indian and Southern Oceans C. Geisen et al. 10.1002/lno.12100
- Microzooplankton community associated with phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) U. Christaki et al. 10.1093/femsec/fiv068
- Assessment of C, N, and Si Isotopes as Tracers of Past Ocean Nutrient and Carbon Cycling J. Farmer et al. 10.1029/2020GB006775
3 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Taxon-specific responses of Southern Ocean diatoms to Fe enrichment revealed by synchrotron radiation FTIR microspectroscopy O. Sackett et al. 10.5194/bg-11-5795-2014
- Pigments, elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si), and stoichiometry of particulate matter in the naturally iron fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean M. Lasbleiz et al. 10.5194/bg-11-5931-2014
- Rapid formation of large aggregates during the spring bloom of Kerguelen Island: observations and model comparisons M. Jouandet et al. 10.5194/bg-11-4393-2014
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