Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
12 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 12 Mar 2015

Continuous and discontinuous variation in ecosystem carbon stocks with elevation across a treeline ecotone

J. D. M. Speed, V. Martinsen, A. J. Hester, Ø. Holand, J. Mulder, A. Mysterud, and G. Austrheim


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Short summary
Here we investigate how ecosystem carbon stocks vary with elevation shifting from the closed forest to open alpine tundra, in the mountains of southern Norway. Above-ground carbon stocks decreased with elevation, with a clear breakpoint at the forest line, while the organic horizon soil carbon stocks increased linearly with elevation. Overall, ecosystem carbon stocks increased with elevation above the treeline and decreased with elevation below, demonstrating the importance of the treeline.
Final-revised paper