Articles | Volume 12, issue 8
Research article
30 Apr 2015
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2015

Eutrophication mitigation in rivers: 30 years of trends in spatial and seasonal patterns of biogeochemistry of the Loire River (1980–2012)

C. Minaudo, M. Meybeck, F. Moatar, N. Gassama, and F. Curie


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Short summary
Based on large, long-term and high-quality data sets, this study describes the mitigation of eutrophication in the Loire River basin since 1980. Reducing direct phosphate inputs in the early 1990s has led to a significant decrease in algal biomass although Corbicula spp. clams invaded the river during this period and have probably played a significant role in phytoplankton decline. A powerful trend and seasonality analysis showed that these changes considerably affected river biogeochemistry.
Final-revised paper