Articles | Volume 12, issue 9
Research article
11 May 2015
Research article |  | 11 May 2015

The dynamic of the annual carbon allocation to wood in European tree species is consistent with a combined source–sink limitation of growth: implications for modelling

J. Guillemot, N. K. Martin-StPaul, E. Dufrêne, C. François, K. Soudani, J. M. Ourcival, and N. Delpierre


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Latest update: 27 Sep 2024
Short summary
We provide an evaluation of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the annual C allocation to wood in French forests. Our study supports the premise that the growth of European tree species is subject to complex control processes that include both source and sink limitations. We suggest a straightforward modelling framework with which to implement these combined forest growth limitations into terrestrial biosphere models.
Final-revised paper