Articles | Volume 12, issue 11
Research article
04 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2015

Environmental controls on the boron and strontium isotopic composition of aragonite shell material of cultured Arctica islandica

Y.-W. Liu, S. M. Aciego, and A. D. Wanamaker Jr.


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Short summary
We report the first high-resolution strontium (87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr) and boron (δ11B) isotopic values in the aragonite shell of cultured Arctica islandica. These results suggest that well-preserved subfossil specimens may be used to determine the past Sr isotopic composition of seawater. The δ11B in this experiment suggests that the boron uptake of the shell changes at a temperature threshold of 13°C and a species-specific fractionation factor may be required for seawater pH reconstructions.
Final-revised paper