Articles | Volume 12, issue 14
Research article
22 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 22 Jul 2015

Anthropogenic point-source and non-point-source nitrogen inputs into Huai River basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia–nitrogen flux

W. S. Zhang, D. P. Swaney, X. Y. Li, B. Hong, R. W. Howarth, and S. H. Ding


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Short summary
This study provides a new approach to estimate both anthropogenic non-point source and point source nitrogen (N) inputs to the landscape, and determines their impacts on riverine ammonia-nitrogen (AN) flux, providing a foundation for further exploration of anthropogenic effects on N pollution. Our findings highlight the importance of anthropogenic N inputs from both point sources and non-point sources in heavily polluted watersheds, and provide some implications for N prediction and management.
Final-revised paper