Articles | Volume 12, issue 16
Research article
20 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 20 Aug 2015

Factors influencing CO2 and CH4 emissions from coastal wetlands in the Liaohe Delta, Northeast China

L. Olsson, S. Ye, X. Yu, M. Wei, K. W. Krauss, and H. Brix


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Latest update: 10 Oct 2024
Short summary
Coastal wetlands vegetated by common reed and rice paddies emit significant amounts of methane to the atmosphere whereas sea-blite marshes are net sinks for atmospheric methane. The main controlling factors for the methane emissions are water table, temperature, soil organic carbon and salinity. The methane emissions from coastal wetlands can be reduced by creating fluctuating water tables, including water tables below the soil surface, as well as by occasional flooding by high-salinity water.
Final-revised paper