Articles | Volume 12, issue 23
Research article
01 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 01 Dec 2015

Effects of a windthrow disturbance on the carbon balance of a broadleaf deciduous forest in Hokkaido, Japan

K. Yamanoi, Y. Mizoguchi, and H. Utsugi


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Short summary
Using the eddy covariance and biometrical methods, the carbon balance was measured in a deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan, where incidental damage by a strong typhoon damaged 40% of trees. Before the disturbance, the forest was an evident carbon sink, and it subsequently transformed into a net carbon source. GPP only decreased by 6% just after the disturbance. On the other hand, Re increased by 39%. Undergrowth dwarf bamboo has an important role in the carbon balance.
Final-revised paper