Articles | Volume 12, issue 23
Technical note
07 Dec 2015
Technical note |  | 07 Dec 2015

Technical note: drifting versus anchored flux chambers for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from running waters

A. Lorke, P. Bodmer, C. Noss, Z. Alshboul, M. Koschorreck, C. Somlai-Haase, D. Bastviken, S. Flury, D. F. McGinnis, A. Maeck, D. Müller, and K. Premke


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Short summary
Flux chambers represent a potentially powerful methodological approach for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from running waters. Here we compare the use of anchored and freely drifting chambers on various streams and provide novel guidance on how to apply flux chambers in these systems. The study clearly shows that drifting chambers have a very small impact on the water turbulence under the chamber, while anchored chambers enhance turbulence under the chambers and thus elevate fluxes.
Final-revised paper