Articles | Volume 12, issue 24
Research article
21 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2015

Seasonal dynamics of carbon and nutrients from two contrasting tropical floodplain systems in the Zambezi River basin

A. L. Zuijdgeest, R. Zurbrügg, N. Blank, R. Fulcri, D. B. Senn, and B. Wehrli


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Short summary
Two large floodplains hold the peak flows in the Zambezi River system – the dam-impacted Kafue Flats and the largely pristine Barotse Plains. Here we show that the inputs of organic matter and nutrients from such floodplains to the river are strongly affected by the presence of hydropower dams and highlight how floodplains act as large biogeochemical reactors that can behave distinctly differently from the entire catchment.
Final-revised paper