Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Research article
30 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 30 Mar 2016

Low methane (CH4) emissions downstream of a monomictic subtropical hydroelectric reservoir (Nam Theun 2, Lao PDR)

Chandrashekhar Deshmukh, Frédéric Guérin, David Labat, Sylvie Pighini, Axay Vongkhamsao, Pierre Guédant, Wanidaporn Rode, Arnaud Godon, Vincent Chanudet, Stéphane Descloux, and Dominique Serça


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Short summary
Methane (CH4) emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs could represent a significant fraction of global CH4 emissions from inland waters and wetlands. The first quantification of emissions downstream of a subtropical reservoir shows that they contribute only 10 to 30 % of total CH4 emissions from the reservoir. This surprisingly low contribution is due to the seasonal reservoir overturn and the effect of the turbine on re-aerating the reservoir water column.
Final-revised paper