Articles | Volume 13, issue 10
Research article
25 May 2016
Research article |  | 25 May 2016

High net CO2 and CH4 release at a eutrophic shallow lake on a formerly drained fen

Daniela Franz, Franziska Koebsch, Eric Larmanou, Jürgen Augustin, and Torsten Sachs


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Short summary
Based on the eddy covariance method we investigate the ecosystem–atmosphere exchange of CH4 and CO2 at a eutrophic shallow lake as a challenging ecosystem often evolving during peatland rewetting. Both open water and emergent vegetation are net emitters of CH4 and CO2, but with strikingly different release rates. Even after 9 years of rewetting the lake ecosystem exhibits a considerable carbon loss and global warming impact, the latter mainly driven by high CH4 emissions from the open waterbody.
Final-revised paper