Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
Research article
03 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 03 Jun 2016

Sediment trap efficiency of paddy fields at the watershed scale in a mountainous catchment in northwest Vietnam

Johanna I. F. Slaets, Petra Schmitter, Thomas Hilger, Tran Duc Vien, and Georg Cadisch


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Short summary
Maize production on steep slopes causes erosion. Where the eroded material ends up is not well understood. This study assessed transport of sediment in mountainous Vietnam, where maize is cultivated on slopes and rice is cultivated in valleys. Per year, 64 tons per hectare of sediments are brought into the rice fields and 28 tons of those are deposited there. The sediment fraction captured by the paddies is mostly sandy, while fertile silt and clay are exported. Upland erosion thus impacts rice production.
Final-revised paper