Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Reviews and syntheses
20 Jun 2016
Reviews and syntheses |  | 20 Jun 2016

Water column biogeochemistry of oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical North Atlantic and eastern tropical South Pacific oceans

Carolin R. Löscher, Hermann W. Bange, Ruth A. Schmitz, Cameron M. Callbeck, Anja Engel, Helena Hauss, Torsten Kanzow, Rainer Kiko, Gaute Lavik, Alexandra Loginova, Frank Melzner, Judith Meyer, Sven C. Neulinger, Markus Pahlow, Ulf Riebesell, Harald Schunck, Sören Thomsen, and Hannes Wagner


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Short summary
The ocean loses oxygen due to climate change. Addressing this issue in tropical ocean regions (off Peru and Mauritania), we aimed to understand the effects of oxygen depletion on various aspects of marine biogeochemistry, including primary production and export production, the nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas production, organic matter fluxes and remineralization, and the role of zooplankton and viruses.
Final-revised paper