Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Research article
22 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 22 Jun 2016

Effect of sporadic destratification, seasonal overturn, and artificial mixing on CH4 emissions from a subtropical hydroelectric reservoir

Frédéric Guérin, Chandrashekhar Deshmukh, David Labat, Sylvie Pighini, Axay Vongkhamsao, Pierre Guédant, Wanidaporn Rode, Arnaud Godon, Vincent Chanudet, Stéphane Descloux, and Dominique Serça


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Short summary
Methane (CH4) emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs could represent a significant fraction of global CH4 emissions from inland waters. The monitoring of methane emissions every 2 weeks at nine stations in a subtropical hydroelectric reservoir revealed that emissions could occasionally be 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than expected for these man-made ecosystems. Upstream of the water intake, emissions are enhanced by the water column mixing that upwells CH4-rich water to the surface.
Final-revised paper