Articles | Volume 13, issue 13
Research article
08 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 08 Jul 2016

Water level, vegetation composition, and plant productivity explain greenhouse gas fluxes in temperate cutover fens after inundation

Merten Minke, Jürgen Augustin, Andrei Burlo, Tatsiana Yarmashuk, Hanna Chuvashova, Annett Thiele, Annette Freibauer, Vitalij Tikhonov, and Mathias Hoffmann


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Short summary
We studied GHG emissions along water-level gradients of two inundated cutover fens with closed chambers. N2O fluxes were negligible. CO2 and CH4 fluxes were controlled by vegetation composition and plant productivity, which in turn depended on water level and nutrient conditions. CH4 fluxes from mesotrophic sites were low and largely compensated for by CO2 uptake. Eutrophic sites were strong CH4 sources, and GHG balances depended on the plant's net C sink, which strongly differed between species.
Final-revised paper