Articles | Volume 13, issue 20
Research article
26 Oct 2016
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2016

The importance of freshwater systems to the net atmospheric exchange of carbon dioxide and methane with a rapidly changing high Arctic watershed

Craig A. Emmerton, Vincent L. St. Louis, Igor Lehnherr, Jennifer A. Graydon, Jane L. Kirk, and Kimberly J. Rondeau


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Latest update: 14 Dec 2024
Short summary
It is unknown if lakes are important contributors to the total transfer of greenhouse gases between high Arctic regions and the atmosphere. We measured the transfer of carbon greenhouse gases between lakes and the atmosphere and compared results with adjacent landscapes. We found lakes were weak emitters of the gases to the atmosphere, compared to contributions of terrestrial ecosystems, and will likely continue to be inconsequential to regional carbon cycling in a warmer future climate.
Final-revised paper