Articles | Volume 13, issue 22
Research article
25 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 25 Nov 2016

High-resolution mapping of time since disturbance and forest carbon flux from remote sensing and inventory data to assess harvest, fire, and beetle disturbance legacies in the Pacific Northwest

Huan Gu, Christopher A. Williams, Bardan Ghimire, Feng Zhao, and Chengquan Huang


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Short summary
We introduce a new method of quantifying time since disturbance and carbon flux across forested landscapes in the Pacific Northwest at a 30m scale by combining remote-sensing-based disturbance year, type, and above-ground biomass with forest inventory data in a carbon modeling framework. Our approach will be applied to forestlands in other regions of the conterminous US to advance a comprehensive monitoring, mapping, and reporting of the carbon consequences of forest change across the US.
Final-revised paper