Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
18 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 18 Feb 2016

Short-term changes in a microplankton community in the Chukchi Sea during autumn: consequences of a strong wind event

Naoya Yokoi, Kohei Matsuno, Mutsuo Ichinomiya, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Shigeto Nishino, Jonaotaro Onodera, Jun Inoue, and Takashi Kikuchi


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Short summary
We studied short-term changes in the microplankton community in the Chukchi Sea with regards to responses to the strong wind event (SWE) during autumn (September 2013). It is assumed that atmospheric turbulences, such as SWE, may supply sufficient nutrients to the surface layer that subsequently enhance the small bloom under the weak stratification. After the bloom, the dominant diatom community then shifts from centric-dominated to one where centric/pennate are more equal in abundance.
Final-revised paper