Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2016

Greenhouse gas balance of cropland conversion to bioenergy poplar short-rotation coppice

S. Sabbatini, N. Arriga, T. Bertolini, S. Castaldi, T. Chiti, C. Consalvo, S. Njakou Djomo, B. Gioli, G. Matteucci, and D. Papale


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Short summary
The suitability of a land use change (LUC) from cropland to short rotation coppice of poplar in Central Italy was investigated by comparing the respective greenhouse gas budgets. Biogenic and anthropogenic CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes, change in soil C stocks, and effects of biomass use were considered. In 2 years the LUC saved 2358 ± 835 gCO2eq m-2. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and C exports represented the main contributions to the overall budgets, while soil non-CO2 fluxes were negligible.
Final-revised paper