Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Research article
10 May 2017
Research article |  | 10 May 2017

Nitrogen input 15N signatures are reflected in plant 15N natural abundances in subtropical forests in China

Geshere Abdisa Gurmesa, Xiankai Lu, Per Gundersen, Yunting Fang, Qinggong Mao, Chen Hao, and Jiangming Mo


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Short summary
We measured the abundance of a nitrogen (N) isotope (15N) in two subtropical forests in China to study the cycling of input N (deposition and addition). Plant leaves in both forests were 15N-depleted relative to the atmospheric standard, likely as an imprint from 15N-depleted deposition. Plant 15N changed into 15N of the added N, indicating incorporation of N into plants. Thus, interpretations of ecosystem 15N from high-N-deposition regions need to include data on the 15N deposition signature.
Final-revised paper