Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Technical note
29 May 2017
Technical note |  | 29 May 2017

Technical Note: A minimally invasive experimental system for pCO2 manipulation in plankton cultures using passive gas exchange (atmospheric carbon control simulator)

Brooke A. Love, M. Brady Olson, and Tristen Wuori

Data sets

Carbonate chemistry associated with copepod experiments with varying CO2 (OA-Copepod_PreyQual project) B. Olson and B. Love

Short summary
This experimental system simulates future CO2 conditions in the ocean. It mimics natural processes by allowing the CO2 to move gently and across the surface of the water though gas exchange, making it well suited for delicate plankton. Researchers can use many small vessels, which allows tracking of the eggs from individual females, for instance. Multiple types of organisms can be grown at once, which facilitates feeding studies and other similar studies of species interactions.
Final-revised paper