Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
08 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2018

δ11B as monitor of calcification site pH in divergent marine calcifying organisms

Jill N. Sutton, Yi-Wei Liu, Justin B. Ries, Maxence Guillermic, Emmanuel Ponzevera, and Robert A. Eagle


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Short summary
The boron isotope composition of marine biogenic carbonates has been studied as a proxy for monitoring past changes in seawater pH and carbonate chemistry. We highlight the potential utility of the boron isotope composition of marine biogenic carbonates as a proxy of calcifying site pH for a wide range of calcifying taxa and the importance of using species-specific seawater-pH–boron isotope calibrations when reconstructing seawater pH from the boron isotope composition of biogenic carbonates.
Final-revised paper