Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
29 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 29 Mar 2018

Soil microbial biomass, activity and community composition along altitudinal gradients in the High Arctic (Billefjorden, Svalbard)

Petr Kotas, Hana Šantrůčková, Josef Elster, and Eva Kaštovská

Data sets

Underlying data to “Soil microbial biomass, activity and community composition along altitudinal gradients in the High Arctic (Billefjorden, Svalbard)” P. Kotas, H. Šantrůčková, J. Elster, and E. Kaštovská Underlying_dataset_-_Biogeosciences_article

Short summary
The soil microbial properties were investigated along altitudinal gradients in the Arctic. Systematic altitudinal shift in MCS resulting in high F / B ratios at the most elevated sites was observed. The changes in composition, size and activity of microbial communities were mainly controlled through the effect of vegetation on edaphic properties and by bedrock chemistry. The upward migration of vegetation due to global warming will likely diminish the spatial variability in microbial properties.
Final-revised paper