Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
04 May 2018
Research article |  | 04 May 2018

Distribution and rates of nitrogen fixation in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean constrained by nitrogen isotope budgets

Angela N. Knapp, Kelly M. McCabe, Olivier Grosso, Nathalie Leblond, Thierry Moutin, and Sophie Bonnet


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Short summary
The spatial distribution of biological N2 fixation fluxes to the ocean remains poorly constrained. Here we use nitrogen isotope budgets to identify significant N2 fixation inputs to the western tropical South Pacific (WTSP), where N2 fixation supports > 50 % of export production at stations proximal to iron sources. The significant N2 fixation inputs in the WTSP may offset nitrogen loss in the oxygen-deficient zones of the eastern tropical South Pacific.
Final-revised paper