Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
20 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2018

Variable metabolic responses of Skagerrak invertebrates to low O2 and high CO2 scenarios

Aisling Fontanini, Alexandra Steckbauer, Sam Dupont, and Carlos M. Duarte


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Latest update: 19 Sep 2024
Short summary
Invertebrate species of the Gullmar Fjord (Sweden) were exposed to four different treatments (high/low oxygen and low/high CO2) and respiration measured. Respiration responses of species of contrasting habitats and life-history strategies to single and multiple stressors was evaluated. Results show that the responses of the respiration were highly species specific as we observed both synergetic as well as antagonistic responses, and neither phylum nor habitat explained trends in respiration.
Final-revised paper