Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
27 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 27 Jun 2018

Immediate increase in isotopic enrichment in small mammals following the expansion of a great cormorant colony

Linas Balčiauskas, Raminta Skipitytė, Marius Jasiulionis, Laima Balčiauskienė, and Vidmantas Remeikis


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Short summary
Effects of an expanding great cormorant colony on small mammals were evaluated. An increase of the number of bird pairs led to decreased δ13C and increased δ15N values in mice hair after the first year of nest appearance. Differences in isotopic signatures were related to species of rodents, pointing to the differences in their diet. Cormorant influence was indirect, the result of biological pollution from guano on rodent foods. Scaring cormorants from the colonies may have the opposite effect.
Final-revised paper