Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Research article
11 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2018

The strategies of water–carbon regulation of plants in a subtropical primary forest on karst soils in China

Jing Wang, Xuefa Wen, Xinyu Zhang, and Shenggong Li


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Short summary
The different contributions of gs, gm, and Vcmax to A indicated that plants utilized diverse trade-offs between CO2 supply and demand to maintain relatively high A. The iWUE was relatively low, but ranged widely, indicating that plants used a "profligate/opportunistic" water use strategy to maintain their survival, growth, and the structure of the community. These findings highlight the importance of covariation of gs, gm, and Vcmax for the adaptation of plants to the harsh karst environment.
Final-revised paper