Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
22 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 22 Jan 2018

Historic carbon burial spike in an Amazon floodplain lake linked to riparian deforestation near Santarém, Brazil

Luciana M. Sanders, Kathryn Taffs, Debra Stokes, Christian J. Sanders, Alex Enrich-Prast, Leonardo Amora-Nogueira, and Humberto Marotta


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Short summary
The Amazon rainforest produce large quantities of carbon, a portion of which is deposited in floodplain lakes. This research shows a potentially important spatial dependence of the carbon deposition in the Amazon lacustrine sediments in relation to deforestation rates in the catchment. The findings presented here highlight the effects of abrupt and temporary events in which some of the biomass released by the deforestation reach the depositional environments in the Amazon floodplains.
Final-revised paper