Articles | Volume 15, issue 14
Research article
25 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 25 Jul 2018

Geophysical and geochemical controls on the megafaunal community of a high Arctic cold seep

Arunima Sen, Emmelie K. L. Åström, Wei-Li Hong, Alexey Portnov, Malin Waage, Pavel Serov, Michael L. Carroll, and JoLynn Carroll


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Short summary
Diverse benthic communities populate a site of methane seepage on the Arctic shelf. Despite a likely reliance on sulfide as an energy source, Oligobrachia worm distributions did not correlate with sulfide concentrations. We suggest that sulfide and carbon generation linked to microbial activity and high methane fluxes determines their presence or absence. We discuss the site and our results within the context of Arctic ecology and economy as well as the biology of seafloor hydrocarbon seeps.
Final-revised paper