Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
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22 Aug 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 22 Aug 2018

Dissolved Pb and Pb isotopes in the North Atlantic from the GEOVIDE transect (GEOTRACES GA-01) and their decadal evolution

Cheryl M. Zurbrick, Edward A. Boyle, Richard J. Kayser, Matthew K. Reuer, Jingfeng Wu, Hélène Planquette, Rachel Shelley, Julia Boutorh, Marie Cheize, Leonardo Contreira, Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, François Lacan, and Géraldine Sarthou


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Short summary
During a French cruise in the northern North Atlantic Ocean in 2014, seawater samples were collected for dissolved Pb and Pb isotope analysis. Lead concentrations were highest in subsurface water flowing out of the Mediterranean Sea. The recently formed Labrador Sea Water (LSW) is much lower in Pb concentration than older LSW found in the West European Basin. Comparison of North Atlantic data from 1981 to 2014 shows decreasing Pb concentrations down to ~ 2500 m depth.
Final-revised paper