Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
30 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2018

Diazotrophic Trichodesmium impact on UV–Vis radiance and pigment composition in the western tropical South Pacific

Cécile Dupouy, Robert Frouin, Marc Tedetti, Morgane Maillard, Martine Rodier, Fabien Lombard, Lionel Guidi, Marc Picheral, Jacques Neveux, Solange Duhamel, Bruno Charrière, and Richard Sempéré


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Short summary
The marine diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium from the Underwater Vision Profiler 5 is concentrated in the first 50 m in the western tropical Pacific Ocean (18–22° S, 160° E–160° W). Its contribution to Tchl a and zeaxanthin is 60 % in the Melanesian archipelago and 30 % in the Fijian archipelago. Its impact on UV–VIS radiance is a peculiar signal in the green and yellow and possibly associated with backscattering or phycoerythrin fluorescence from Trichodesmium.
Final-revised paper