Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Research article
15 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 15 Apr 2019

Patterns of suspended particulate matter across the continental margin in the Canadian Beaufort Sea during summer

Jens K. Ehn, Rick A. Reynolds, Dariusz Stramski, David Doxaran, Bruno Lansard, and Marcel Babin


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Short summary
Beam attenuation at 660 nm and suspended particle matter (SPM) relationships were determined during the MALINA cruise in August 2009 to the Canadian Beaufort Sea in order to expand our knowledge of particle distributions in Arctic shelf seas. The relationship was then used to determine SPM distributions for four other expeditions to the region. SPM patterns on the shelf were explained by an interplay between wind forcing, river discharge, and melting sea ice that controls the circulation.
Final-revised paper