Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Research article
15 May 2019
Research article |  | 15 May 2019

Modelling land–atmosphere daily exchanges of NO, NH3, and CO2 in a semi-arid grazed ecosystem in Senegal

Claire Delon, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Dominique Serça, Erwan Personne, Eric Mougin, Marcellin Adon, Valérie Le Dantec, Benjamin Loubet, Rasmus Fensholt, and Torbern Tagesson


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Short summary
In the Sahel region during the wet season, CO2 and NO are released to the atmosphere, and NH3 is deposited on the soil. During the dry season, processes are strongly reduced. This paper shows the temporal variation in these soil–atmosphere exchanges of trace gases for 2 years, their sharp increase when the first rains fall onto dry soils, and how microbial processes are involved. We use a modelling approach, which is necessary when continuous measurements are not possible in remote regions.
Final-revised paper