Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Research article
24 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2019

Modeling oceanic nitrate and nitrite concentrations and isotopes using a 3-D inverse N cycle model

Taylor S. Martin, François Primeau, and Karen L. Casciotti

Model code and software

Model output from N isotope global inverse model Taylor S. Martin, Francois Primeau, and Karen L. Casciotti

Short summary
Nitrite is a key intermediate in many nitrogen (N) cycling processes in the ocean, particularly in areas with low oxygen that are hotspots for N loss. We have created a 3-D global N cycle model with nitrite as a tracer. Stable isotopes of N are also included in the model and we are able to model the isotope fractionation associated with each N cycling process. Our model accurately represents N concentrations and isotope distributions in the ocean.
Final-revised paper