Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Research article
24 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2019

Soil nitrogen response to shrub encroachment in a degrading semi-arid grassland

Thomas Turpin-Jelfs, Katerina Michaelides, Joel A. Biederman, and Alexandre M. Anesio

Data sets

Data from Soil nitrogen response to shrub encroachment in a degrading semiarid grassland T. Turpin-Jelfs and K. Michaelides

Short summary
Increasing shrub cover promotes land degradation in semi-arid grasslands and has the potential to impact the soil nitrogen pool, which is essential to primary production. Our study showed that increasing shrub cover concentrates soil nitrogen into localised patches beneath shrub canopies. Further, we determined that increasing shrub cover inhibits inputs of nitrogen by the soil microbial community. Thus, we conclude this phenomenon can perturb nitrogen cycling in these ecosystems.
Final-revised paper