Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Research article
12 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 12 Feb 2019

Automatic high-frequency measurements of full soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a tropical forest

Elodie Alice Courtois, Clément Stahl, Benoit Burban, Joke Van den Berge, Daniel Berveiller, Laëtitia Bréchet, Jennifer Larned Soong, Nicola Arriga, Josep Peñuelas, and Ivan August Janssens


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Short summary
Measuring greenhouse gases (GHGs) from a natural ecosystem remains a contemporary challenge. We tested the use of appropriate technology for the estimation of soil fluxes of the three main GHGs in a tropical rainforest for 4 months. We showed that our design allowed the continuous high-frequency measurement of the three gases in a tropical biome and provide recommendations for its implementation. This study is a major step in the estimation of the global GHG budget of tropical forests.
Final-revised paper