Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
14 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2020

Determining how biotic and abiotic variables affect the shell condition and parameters of Heliconoides inflatus pteropods from a sediment trap in the Cariaco Basin

Rosie L. Oakes and Jocelyn A. Sessa

Data sets

CT data, Cariaco variability - Oakes and Sessa - Biogeosciences R. Oakes and J. Sessa

Short summary
Pteropods are a group of tiny swimming snails whose fragile shells put them at risk from ocean acidification. We investigated the factors influencing the thickness of pteropods shells in the Cariaco Basin, off Venezuela, which is unaffected by ocean acidification. We found that pteropods formed thicker shells when nutrient concentrations, an indicator of food availability, were highest, indicating that food may be an important factor in mitigating the effects of ocean acidification on pteropods.
Final-revised paper