Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Research article
26 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 26 Aug 2020

The impact of intertidal areas on the carbonate system of the southern North Sea

Fabian Schwichtenberg, Johannes Pätsch, Michael Ernst Böttcher, Helmuth Thomas, Vera Winde, and Kay-Christian Emeis

Data sets

Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during PELAGIA cruise 64PE184 Helmuth Thomas

Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during PELAGIA cruise 64PE239 Helmuth Thomas and Alberto Vieira Borges

Tidal and spatial variations of DI13C and aquatic chemistry in a temperate tidal basin during winter time Vera Winde, Michael E. Böttcher, Peter Escher, Philipp Böning, Melanie Beck, and Bernd Schneider

Short summary
Ocean acidification has a range of potentially harmful consequences for marine organisms. It is related to total alkalinity (TA) mainly produced in oxygen-poor situations like sediments in tidal flats. TA reduces the sensitivity of a water body to acidification. The decomposition of organic material and subsequent TA release in the tidal areas of the North Sea (Wadden Sea) is responsible for reduced acidification in the southern North Sea. This is shown with the results of an ecosystem model.
Final-revised paper