Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2020

Distribution of planktonic foraminifera in the subtropical South Atlantic: depth hierarchy of controlling factors

Douglas Lessa, Raphaël Morard, Lukas Jonkers, Igor M. Venancio, Runa Reuter, Adrian Baumeister, Ana Luiza Albuquerque, and Michal Kucera

Data sets

Processed multinet CTD data from METEOR cruise M124 Michael Siccha, Raphael Morard, and Michal Kucera

Physical oceanography during METEOR cruise M124 Johannes Karstensen, and Gerd Krahmann

Planktonic foraminifera from the M124 cruise plankton multinets (Subtropical South Atlantic) Douglas Villela de Oliveira Lessa, Raphael Morard, Lukas Jonkers, Igor Martins Venancio, Runa T. Reuter, Adrian Baumeister, Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque, and Michal Kucera

Short summary
We observed that living planktonic foraminifera had distinct vertically distributed communities across the Subtropical South Atlantic. In addition, a hierarchic alternation of environmental parameters was measured to control the distribution of planktonic foraminifer's species depending on the water depth. This implies that not only temperature but also productivity and subsurface processes are signed in fossil assemblages, which could be used to perform paleoceanographic reconstructions.
Final-revised paper