Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Research article
23 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2020

A numerical model study of the main factors contributing to hypoxia and its interannual and short-term variability in the East China Sea

Haiyan Zhang, Katja Fennel, Arnaud Laurent, and Changwei Bian


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Short summary
In coastal seas, low oxygen, which is detrimental to coastal ecosystems, is increasingly caused by man-made nutrients from land. This is especially so near mouths of major rivers, including the Changjiang in the East China Sea. Here a simulation model is used to identify the main factors determining low-oxygen conditions in the region. High river discharge is identified as the prime cause, while wind and intrusions of open-ocean water modulate the severity and extent of low-oxygen conditions.
Final-revised paper