Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Research article
08 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 08 Apr 2021

Divergent climate feedbacks on winter wheat growing and dormancy periods as affected by sowing date in the North China Plain

Fengshan Liu, Ying Chen, Nini Bai, Dengpan Xiao, Huizi Bai, Fulu Tao, and Quansheng Ge


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Short summary
The sowing date is key to the surface biophysical processes in the winter dormancy period. The climate effect of the sowing date shift is therefore very interesting and may contribute to the mitigation of climate change. An earlier sowing date always had a higher LAI but a higher temperature in the dormancy period and a lower temperature in the growth period. The main reason was the relative contributions of the surface albedo and energy partitioning processes.
Final-revised paper