Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Peer-reviewed comment
16 Feb 2022
Peer-reviewed comment |  | 16 Feb 2022

Comment on “Fundamental molecules of life are pigments which arose and co-evolved as a response to the thermodynamic imperative of dissipating the prevailing solar spectrum” by K. Michaelian and A. Simeonov (2015)

Lars Olof Björn


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Short summary
The origin and evolution of life do not contradict the laws of thermodynamics, but we have no proof that it is an inevitable consequence of these laws. We do not know if the first life arose under illumination or in darkness in the deep ocean or in the Earth's crust. We have no proof that it arose due to a thermodynamic imperative of dissipating the prevailing solar spectrum, as there are other ways for entropy increase in solar radiation. The biosphere may instead delay entropy production.
Final-revised paper