Articles | Volume 19, issue 18
Research article
28 Sep 2022
Research article |  | 28 Sep 2022

Mediterranean seagrasses as carbon sinks: methodological and regional differences

Iris E. Hendriks, Anna Escolano-Moltó, Susana Flecha, Raquel Vaquer-Sunyer, Marlene Wesselmann, and Núria Marbà

Data sets

Mediterranean seagrasses as carbon sinks: Methodological and regional differences Iris E. Hendriks, Anna Escolano-Moltó, Susana Flecha, Raquel Vaquer-Sunyer, Marlene Wesselmann, Núria Marbà

Model code and software

Modified matlab model based on Cole et al. (2000) P. Agueda, I.E. Hendriks, S. Flecha, B. Jorda

Video abstract

Summary Metabolic rates Posidonia and Cymodocea I. E. Hendriks

Short summary
Seagrasses are marine plants with the capacity to act as carbon sinks due to their high primary productivity, using carbon for growth. This capacity can play a key role in climate change mitigation. We compiled and published data showing that two Mediterranean seagrass species have different metabolic rates, while the study method influences the rates of the measurements. Most communities act as carbon sinks, while the western basin might be more productive than the eastern Mediterranean.
Final-revised paper