Articles | Volume 19, issue 24
Research article
15 Dec 2022
Research article |  | 15 Dec 2022

Interdisciplinary strategy to assess the impact of meteorological variables on the biochemical composition of the rain and the dynamics of a small eutrophic lake under rain forcing

Fanny Noirmain, Jean-Luc Baray, Frédéric Tridon, Philippe Cacault, Hermine Billard, Guillaume Voyard, Joël Van Baelen, and Delphine Latour


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Latest update: 05 Dec 2024
Short summary
We present a study linking rain, meteorology, and mountain lake phytoplankton dynamics on the basis of a case study at Aydat (France) in September 2020. The air mass origin mainly influences the rain chemical composition, which depends on the type of rain, convective or stratiform. Our results also highlighted a non-negligible presence of photosynthetic cells in rainwater. The impact of the atmospheric forcing on the lake could play a key role in phytoplankton dynamics in the temperate zone.
Final-revised paper