Articles | Volume 20, issue 14
Research article
21 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 21 Jul 2023

A multi-phase biogeochemical model for mitigating earthquake-induced liquefaction via microbially induced desaturation and calcium carbonate precipitation

Caitlyn A. Hall, Andre van Turnhout, Edward Kavazanjian Jr., Leon A. van Paassen, and Bruce Rittmann

Data sets

Data for A multi-phase biogeochemical model for mitigating earthquake-induced liquefaction via microbially induced desaturation and calcium carbonate precipitation (1.0) Caitlyn A. Hall, Andre van Turnhout, Leon van Paassen, Edward Kavazanjian, and Bruce Rittmann

Model code and software

Multi-phase Biogeochemical Model for Microbially Induced Desaturation and Precipitation Caitlyn Hall, Andre van Turnhout, Leon van Paassen, Edward Kavazanjian, and Bruce Rittmann

Short summary
Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction poses a significant global threat. Microbially induced desaturation and precipitation (MIDP) via denitrification is a potentially sustainable, non-disruptive bacteria-driven ground improvement technique under existing structures. We developed a next-generation biogeochemical model to understand and predict the behavior of MIDP in the natural environment to design field-based hazard mitigation treatments.
Final-revised paper