Articles | Volume 20, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2023

Local processes with a global impact: unraveling the dynamics of gas evasion in a step-and-pool configuration

Paolo Peruzzo, Matteo Cappozzo, Nicola Durighetto, and Gianluca Botter

Data sets

Dataset: unraveling the dynamics of gas evasion in a step-and-pool configuration Paolo Peruzzo, Matteo Cappozzo, Nicola Durighetto, and Gianluca Botter

Short summary
Small cascades greatly enhance mountain stream gas emissions through the turbulent energy dissipation rate and air bubbles entrained into the water. We numerically studied the local contribution of these mechanisms driving gas transfer velocity used to quantify the outgassing. The gas evasion is primarily due to bubbles concentrated in irregular spots of limited area. Consequently, the gas exchange velocity is scale-dependent and unpredictable, posing concerns about its use in similar scenarios.
Final-revised paper